This is my last blog to you and i hope my thoughts and the ideas and
concepts i've borrowed from others
have given you something to think about, given you some wider
perspective on life and increased you level of happiness.
i've greatly enjoyed writing this blog as every week i was forced to
examine my own attitude towards the purpose
of life and what makes one happy. i personally feel that
it is important to ever individual to occasionally ask these sorts of question
otherwise you can travel through life being unhappy, unfilled and not contributing anything to your society.
so my dear readers this is goodbye. i wish you very happiness in the world, and after closely following my blog for 12 weeks, it's completely in our power to create your own happiness.
As some last thought from me to me:
concepts i've borrowed from others
have given you something to think about, given you some wider
perspective on life and increased you level of happiness.
i've greatly enjoyed writing this blog as every week i was forced to
examine my own attitude towards the purpose
of life and what makes one happy. i personally feel that
it is important to ever individual to occasionally ask these sorts of question
otherwise you can travel through life being unhappy, unfilled and not contributing anything to your society.
so my dear readers this is goodbye. i wish you very happiness in the world, and after closely following my blog for 12 weeks, it's completely in our power to create your own happiness.
As some last thought from me to me:
- remember to smile
- remember to breathe- slowly and deeply
- remember to laugh(even if there is nothing to laugh about)
- remember to love it keeps you young and can be a great source of happiness
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